


聯(lián)系人:曹生 13580800393
電 話 :0769-81283426
傳 真 :0769-82553292
24小時(shí)免費(fèi)專線:400 0769 832


公司回收銷售儀器范圍:各類無線電綜合測試儀,網(wǎng)絡(luò)分析儀,信號源,音頻分析儀,頻譜儀,示波器,光衰減器,電源,測試夾具,傳輸分析儀,萬用表,電子負(fù)載,視頻分析儀,邏輯分析儀,射頻阻抗分析儀,LCR 表,微波頻率計(jì),通用頻率計(jì),各類示波器,功率計(jì),GPIB卡,PCI-GPIB,GPIB-USB-B等。
二手儀器回收專線:13527980295   歡迎來電咨詢!!

JDS Uniphase Backreflection Meters are portable, direct-display instruments used for the convenient measurement of backreflection, insertion loss, and power of connectors, components, and systems. With a single output port, the meters are ideal for jumper manufacturers.

      The meters can be equipped with one or two built-in laser sources. Sources available are: 850 and 1310 nm for multimode meters, and 980, 1310, 1480, 1550, 1625, and 1650 nm for single-mode meters.

      The use of an FC/APC ultra-low backreflection connector on the output port enables the use of hybrid jumpers to accommodate measurements with various connector types without compromising the backreflection measurement range. When a device under test (DUT) is connected to the jumper and the DUT output is terminated, the backreflection of the DUT is displayed. The meters superior optics are very stable at low backreflection levels. Insertion loss and power can be measured to - 80 dBm.

      Other features include compensation for extraneous backreflection, user-adjustable calibration, an internal rechargeable battery for field portability, a transit carrying case, and a convenient foot pedal for data logging to a computer or serial printer via the instruments serial port. 
Key Features 
      1.Wide wavelength range 
      2.Insertion loss and backreflection capability 
      3.Typical backreflection power sensitivity of - 75 dB 
      4.Insertion loss and power measurements to - 80 dBm 
      5.Multiple connector test system (MCTS) application software 
      6.Direct display of measured backreflection, power, or insertion loss 
      7.Calibration can be verified using calibrated reference jumpers 
      8.Optional RS232 to GPIB converter


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